martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Paranoia is a flower in the brain.

Paranoia is a flower in the brain.

Ciclo. Redondo. Concepto. Nuboso. Vacuo. Hipercoloro, hipercoloso. Okupa. Binario. Tamaño. Estético. Político. Psicológico. Irritófobo. Cosófobo. Antropófago. Retaguardias.

Egocentrismo -> Miseria Miseria -> Egocentrismo (¿Occidente?) Persimagen. Narciso/Eco. Conchacía. Avastedad. Desvenerabilidad. Risueñería. Autovacío -> Autollenado Autollenado -> Autovacío - Dotporkshit.

Schliessel - Kitsch - Fuck. Contra-. Isomeretricismo. Abuliacización. Sobremateria. Invece - Neanche. Frolihg - Fuck. 101.

Propiedesidad. Apublicidad. Metaesquizofrenia. Intelactalismo. Contravisación. Resterilización. Comexplicación.

won't, don't, shon't, din't, con't. Lont lolont lont. Lololololont. "I like hell. I can't wait to get back there. In fact I'm already running." "So they didn't look at each other and in fact they looked on an noting as if there was something marvellous and brilliant that could only be extracted by extreme and obsessive interest" "Muss es sein?" "Who has never killed an hour?" "Reading about topics on which I know all that can be known about and that won't tell me anything new without" "Fooly cooly? Fooly cuula, fooly kura?, fooly kura, kura kura kura, cula, kula, fooly kulo, fooly" "El barco ebrio" "firebred voices" "molloy and the plague" "novel about unwar" "it was so hush hush" "marlon brando is the key" "so he went wearing only a shirt and he was not a doll and he dared him to take a long shot now" "it's another caste, i tell you, it works in castes" "come buy this house" "hah! soy mafia!" "can't withstand stand with stand in standing and the cact" "there's the future looking back at us trying to make sense of the fiction we will have become " "and none of you does anything and all of you live in nothing and none of you are serious and none of you arent serious and i shall jump" "the diggestive process is catholic bullshit, I wanted to become an egg" "here it is you fuckers finally finally finally" "of murder considered as one of the fine arts" "anti-depressants and you are you are you?" "blitztophrenia" "ice'scold'prop" "in watermelon sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar" "stop start the stop" "worterbuch" "das worterbuch" "die worterbucher" "es ist ein worterbuch" "imontal" "cos rily ima psicho" "of those who consider themselves too intelligent for that" "menelaus, i was never in troy, i was never with paris, i was always here" "you dog-eating motherfucker" "the sky above was the color of television tuned to a dead channel" "i'm just for the fun of it" "you were the king of carrot flowers" "carrot flowers" "flowers" "lowers" "powers" "cowers" "menotmenotme"


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